The Mare Crisium Soviet Socialist Regency (The Soviet) is one of the

colonies in the universe. There other two sister

colonies are:

The Mare Serenitatis Circumlunar Corporate Republic

The Mare Tranquillitatis People's Circumlunar Zaibatsu

The Soviet is a non-commercial public-access Unix server (pubnix)

offering shell account and gopher/gemini hosting to anyone who asks, at

no cost. The colony is inspired by the principle of "Small Internet":

read "The Small Internet Manifesto" (by spring)

read "Pubnix as an ecosystem" (by KatolaZ)

and is federated with other pubnix systems administered by like-minded


Anybody with an interest for Unix systems and the intention to

participate to the life of a small community by sharing resources and

knowledge is welcome to sign-up for an account:

More information about signing up for an account

In particular, if you are interested in publishing your stuff through

gopher/gemini and/or in sharing knowledge and experience with other

fellow Unix enthusiasts, then this is the right place for you.

The server is running OpenBSD and provides a multi-user, full-featured,

text-based Unix environment, intended for development, publication of

content (e.g., gopher pages, phlogs, gemini capsules, etc.), and

collaboration. The focus of the colony is on use and development of

minimalist Unix software and simple Internet protocols, on sharing

knowledge and resources, and on improving the environment for the joy of

the colony members and of the wider circumlunar universe.

More information about Principles and Organisation of The Soviet

Frequently Asked Questions about The Soviet

Due to the limited amount of resources available, and to ensure that the

members of the colony can establish meaningful relationships with other

fellow members, the maximum number of colony members is set to 48.

All the colony members get a shell account with a Base Disk Quota (BDQ)

initially set to 100MB, where they can host a gopherspace and/or a

gemini capsule. The BDQ will be periodically reviewed by The Union and

increased appropriately, for all the members of The Soviet, according to

the level of activity and collaboration observed in the colony. Due to

the imposed restrictions on personal resources, lightweight and simple

software is preferred to heavy and bloated alternatives. Colony members

can participate to the wider community by means of

shared BBS, inter-server email, and a private IRC network.

More information about software available at The Soviet

The focus of The Soviet is on simple protocols and applications. In

particular, members of the colony can publish material via gopher or

gemini, but they *do not have a web space*. If you are looking for a

place where to host your webpages, then this system is not for you.

Outbound connections are heavily restricted by a firewall that allows

only a scant list of protocols towards a selection of other pubnix

systems. If you are looking for a place from which to send spam, seed

torrents, port-scan other machines, scrap websites, etc., then this

system is not for you.

The Soviet is maintained and administered by KatolaZ.

More information about Principles and Organisation of The Soviet

More information about signing up for an account

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