
==== ~O R E S T E S~

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Orestes is an outpost located on the planet PFG 70c in the HD219134

planetary system.

It is serviced by the Arsinoe ship which orbits the system,

maintaining two additional outposts.

According to the inhabitants of the outpost, the ship has not been

heard from for two earth-years now.

The planet is desolate with a prolonged day/night cycle. Its

terrain is mountainous and rocky. Its only distinguishing feature,

and the reason for the existence of the Orestes outpost, are a

series of crystalline structures which populate a small portion of

its surface.

The base is manned by three members who will remain anonymous.

Systems maintenance and communications tasks are performed by the

Werner H. Young Terminal Emulator A.I.

NOTICE!! - For anyone coming across this old story and wondering

how it ends:

I've lost interest in this story. I wasn't too happy with its

direction so I stopped posting the entries on Cosmic Voyage. I've

uploaded the remainder of the story at the following locations:


At the outset, I tried to imagine a story reminiscent of Tarkovsky

movies (Solaris and Stalker). There was going to be some kind of

communication between the planet and its inhabitants via

hallucinations. I didn't really pull it off though, I lost sight of

that goal. The rest of the entries are mostly in draft form, so if

you do want to see a rough sketch of the ending, go to one of the

locations listed above.

orestes - Ship Log

468 >> orestes - Still no signs of life

479 >> orestes - The last of the apples

485 >> orestes - Psychic Transmissions

492 >> orestes - Happy to be among them

497 >> orestes - I don't want to lose her now

507 >> orestes - Guest

521 >> orestes - Friend...

532 >> orestes - Lost time

540 >> orestes - Room

547 >> orestes - Gate openings

554 >> orestes - Gone girl

575 >> orestes - Moving on

576 >> orestes - Return

577 >> orestes - Olive

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